Sunday, July 3, 2011

Yesterday I hung out at home and just kind of relaxed! Then at 3pm I went to a wedding with my host mom! It was at the Catholic Church! The wedding was very beautiful, but I understood nothing! :( Then we went to a wedding reception! That was really crazy! We danced and ate so much but it was really cool!! I had a great time! I'm glad I got to experience my first Costa Rican wedding!!! :) It was a good experience for me even though I didn't understand much it was still fun! We didn't get home until last night at 11pm! It was such a long day, but it was good! :) Today is my last day of vacation before I start my second 5 week session! I am just going to hang out today and pretty much do nothing, but that is okay! Tomorrow is orientation at 8am so I will then have my schedule of classes and what I have to do for the next 5 weeks! Should be good! :)

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