Friday, July 1, 2011

Family Time!

Well these past few days have been a blast! My momma and sister arrived on Sunday at some awful hour (6am)! They made it safely to Barva where I live! Once here they took a short nap then ate some breakfast with me and my family! I took them on a tour of the city of Barva in the morning then we all ate lunch together! After lunch my host sister Dani and I took them on a tour around Heredia! We went to the University but it was closed so we just looked at the buildings! Then we went and saw central park and the stores/shops close to the park! Alli wanted some awesome shoes from BestBrands so we went there and she bought some shoes! Then they were sort of tired so we all came back and hung out at my house with my family! I did a lot of translating for my host mom and my family, but my host sister Dani did really well with her English! Mom and I also did a lot of explaining in English and Spanish about how to go through customs and whatnot! Then my cousins came over to meet my family so it was quite the day for them!!! Then Monday I took mom and alli to San Jose. We were going to go to the National Museum of Costa Rica, but it was closed so we went to the Artesian Market where they loved it so much and almost bought it all! It was really fun! They got to experience the big city which was pretty crazy but fun! :) After our adventure we made it back to Heredia and decided to get smoothies and go home! The family friend Ruben came over to meet them which was fun because mom and alli could speak English to him! It was really nice! I think they had a good time with my family! My host mom is so sweet and makes them food all the time! It may not be a lot but it sure is delicious!!! :)

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