Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Well today is kind of a memorable day...actually no not really. Anyway 2 months ago from today I was on a plane flying here to Costa Rica and 17 days from now I will be on a plane back home to Idaho! I am soooo ready to be home! I mean I love being in Costa Rica and I am having the time of my life, but I miss everyone back home! I have a lot planned out to do until I get home so that will make the time fly right by! This week is going well so far, but I have a ton of homework for my class every day which is no bueno! but when we have tons of homework during the week we don't have homework on the weekends, which is awesome!!! :) The only bad thing about this week is that there have been a ton of sick people so that is poopy! and an American girl I met 5 weeks ago (and is in a different program) is leaving on Friday so that is sad, but I'm glad I met her! I have a lot to do and a lot of Spanish to practice in the next 17 days so I better get crackin!!! ;) hahaha

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