Friday, July 1, 2011

On Tuesday Mom, Alli, and I made it all the way to the bus terminal and we took the bus to Puerto Viejo! It was a nice long 4.5 hour bus ride, but we were up front so no one got sick and we got to see all of the beautiful scenery! When we arrived in the Caribbean all of us got super hot and sweaty because it was so humid there! Once off the bus this guy took us to a hostel which was actually pretty nice! It had air conditioning and cable which was cool! So we put our stuff in the room and alli and I headed straight for the beach since it was like 100 feet from our room! Awesome!! :) We pretty much just hung out Tuesday and walked around the town a little bit. We went to bed about 10pm because we were all so tired from the long bus ride and the heat! On Wednesday we went on a tour! We first went to this Jaguar Rescue Center where we got to see all of the nasty disgusting snakes (YUCK!), lots of adorable animals like Monkeys (which I go to hold!), sloths, this raccoon type thing, a green tree frog, a wild cat of some sort but I'm not sure what it was, and lots of other things! It was so cool!! After that we went to this indigenous woman's house to watch and see how they make cocoa into chocolate! It was a small demonstration but it was fun! Then we got to try it and it was very natural and disgusting, but still fun! After that we went to this waterfall! It was so beautiful! We drove up the mountain a little ways then we had to hike through the jungle for like 5 minutes until we got there! Alli and I got to go swimming in it and it was so cool! The scenery was beautiful too! Mom didn't want to go swimming so she just took pictures and talked to the guide so it was all good! When we were walking back I didn't have my shoes on because I didn't want them to get wet, and I was being so careful not to fall, but unfortunately I am the one that fell in the water and got my shoes and all of my clothes wet! It was very graceful on my part but it was whatever! When we got back our driver had found pineapple and coconuts for us to eat! It was fresh from the tree and it was sure delicious! Then we went back to Puerto Viejo and went back to the ocean! We just hung out Wednesday afternoon and shopped and ate dinner and had a great time! Thursday we went to the ocean in the morning, then got ready and shopped and hung out until 4pm when the bus came to take us back! We rode the bus for another 4.5 hours last night and made it home by about 9pm! When we got home my host dad was here so we hung out with the family and then Ruben came over to say goodbye to mom and alli! My host sister Dani is leaving for the States today at noon so everyone is making preparations for her to leave! Mom, Alli, and, I are going to San Jose to the National Museum today and to the food market and to my school so they can see some last minute things before they leave back to the States tomorrow too! It has been a very exciting break and I have very much enjoyed my family being here! I will be sad to have them leave tomorrow, but it will only be 5 more weeks after they leave until I go home too! :)

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