Thursday, June 16, 2011

Well nothing really exciting has happened the last few days! I've just been going to school and doing homework a lot because mi amigas y Yo want to to a place called Tortuguero this weekend! It is supposed to be a beautiful place up in the northeastern corner! I really would like to go so I am really hoping we can get it together to go! :) Other than that we have just been doing a lot of school work because as of today we only have a weeks worth of classes left so we have a lot to do in that short amount of time. Oh something really awesome...One of my assignments for my conversation class was to create a presentation about Idaho because my teacher had never been there so I did. I made this really awesome powerpoint for her with pictures and info about the coolest places in Southern Idaho and she loved it! She said that she would have to come visit Idaho in the future because it looks like such a cool place! haha How awesome is that!!? Anyway only 10 more days until I can see my momma and my sista!!! :) I am sooo excited! It will be a great and much needed break!

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