Thursday, June 23, 2011

Well a lot has happened since last Thursday! This past weekend some of the girls and I went to a place called Tortuguero. It was quite an adventure. There were 7 of us that went, but only 3 of us made it on the first night (Friday). That was pretty intense, but a fun experience! We took a few different buses to get to a place called Pavona, then we had to take a small passenger boat through these different rivers for about an hour to get to Tortuguero. It was one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. It was so green and there were tons of different kinds of trees and animals and different villages that were so cute! When we got there we checked into this really sketchy hostel place. It was extremely hot and had cockroaches and other kinds of creepy crawly bugs. The three of us (Lizzy, Sonja, and I) just hung out and ate dinner and walked around the little town. The people we so nice and helpful! We also signed up for a morning tour! Saturday morning at 6 AM we went on a canoe tour through the national park there! It was absolutely amazing! :) We saw so many different types of animals, like birds, little crocodiles (I don't remember their name), butterflies, monkeys, poisonous frogs, iguanas, and so many trees and vegetation! I don't even know how to explain how magical it was! Then we went to the beach for part of the day and finally met up with the other girls! We all just hung out on the beach and what not. The best part of the whole trip besides the canoe tour was on Saturday night! We all got to go on a turtle tour! It's not turtle season so we didn't know if we would see any. We walked in the complete darkness on the beach for about 30 minutes and finally saw some tracks which meant there were some turtles around! about 15 minutes later we were all stopped because there was a momma turtle trying to find the right place to lay her eggs! Unfortunately she didn't like the place she picked so she didn't lay her eggs, but we all got to see a giant sea turtle! It was seriously bigger than the turtle at the Boise Zoo! It was huge and she was so sweet and I just wanted to pet her but unfortunately we couldn't. I was just excited that we got to see a turtle! That was the only thing I really wanted to see on the whole trip and I got to! :) Sunday morning we all went to the beach again for a bit before we had to travel home! It was seriously the best weekend ever before our finals! I'm glad we got to go! :)

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