Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ayer, mis amigas y yo fuimos a San Jose por un concierto! Fue muy divertido!!! :) Pero llovio todo el concierto y nosotros estaban fuera! It was really wet and cold but it was fun! I've never been to an outdoor concert in the rain before! What a new experience! After the concert we came home and put on warm dry clothes! We saw two bands: Percance y Hombres G. Percance is a local Costa Rican band and they were good! Hombres G is a band from España! They were good too! Besides being wet and cold it was a fun time! :) Today is a pretty relaxing day! Mi hermana y yo vimos una pelicula: The Last Song. It was in Ingles pero it had Español subtitles! It was good! Now off to study for mi examenes para mañana!

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