Sunday, May 22, 2011

So I ended up going to the mall yesterday, which was huge and there were so many people it was crazy! I guess that is expected for a Saturday! Today they are taking me to a mountain...I'm not sure which one, but it is supposed to be really cool! I'll talk lots of pictures to show everyone!
I'm still enjoying myself, but one thing I'm still having a hard time with is the fact that you can't flush toilet paper down the toilet! Their sewers or plumbing is really bad so you have to throw it in the garbage. It sounds really gross and it kind of is, but that's just the way they live.
I found out yesterday that we have una tortuga (Turtle)!!! I love turtles soo much! His name is Tortue. We also have un conejo (rabbit), dos perros (dogs), y un gato (cat). I have no idea what the rabbits name is, but los perros nombres son Moli y Luna. El gato nombre es Pelusa! It is quite interesting, but they are all nice so that's good! More to come about my exciting day today! :)

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