Thursday, August 4, 2011

Well the day has finally come when my fantasy has to come to an end! :( I will be leaving my tica house in t-minus 7 hours and going to the airport. I will be leaving the great country of Costa Rica at approximately 9:30am and hopefully all goes well! I am praying to God that we all make it safe and sound back home to our wonderful families and friends. I cannot wait to see all of you when I get back! I miss you so much! I have had an amazing past 2.5 months here in Costa Rica and I am glad I got to come. I am sad to leave my family and friends here, but it is something that has to be done. I know I will come back and visit as soon as I can! Yesterday I finished all of my finals and I think I passed all of my classes which is awesome!!! :) I am a free woman... for 17 days...then I start school again, but hey I love school so it is all good!! :) I should return home in Boise at approximately 11:58pm tomorrow night if all goes well, so let's all just pray that things go well and I make it back safely and on time! :) Good bye Costa Rica! I will miss you very much!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

OMG!! As of this moment! I have 2 days 1 hour and some minutes until I arrive back in Boise! I can't believe this summer here in Costa Rica is almost over!! What an experience it has been! I have met some amazing people and had some amazing experiences! I can't even believe it! I am so glad I came here this summer, even though I miss being home a lot, this has been a wonderful experience! :) Well Monday was the last day of normal class, then at 7pm 8 of us from the group walked from San Jose to Cartago! Lizzy and I walked faster than everyone and we walked the whole way in like 4.5 or 5 hours! It was an intense walk let's just put it that way...uphill and downhill, with literally hundreds of thousands of people! It was insane, but it was really cool! When we got to the Church (Basilica) in Cartago it was all lit up and beautiful!! We were so exhausted though that we just got on a bus and came home! Lizzy and I ended up getting home at 2:30am and we were so tired! Then Tuesday we didn't have school because it was a national holiday (a day to give thanks and praise to the patron saint in the catholic church, la negrita). So Patri, Dani, and I went to have lunch and spend the afternoon at a friends house! It was pretty fun except I was so tired and had a hard time concentrating on the Spanish! haha then I had to study that night for my final that I had in Composition this morning! I did well on it so that was good! Now I just have 2 presentations left tomorrow and a dance class and then I will be done with "summer school"!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited if you couldn't tell! hahaha I started packing today and OMgoodness i have sooo much stuff! Tomorrow after all my stuff is done I will come home and try to finish packing, but I think that my family is having a going away party so I will have to say goodbye to everyone which will be sad! :( We shall see how the last day in Costa Rica goes! I hope it is a good one!!! :) Wish me luck on my time here and my journey home on Friday!!! :)